Hiwin EGW25SB Block


Hiwin EGW25SB Block

SKU: EGW25SB Categories: , , , Tags: ,


How to buy Hiwin EGW25SB Block?

  1. The first thing is that you should check your hiwin block ID number. Then purchase correct hiwin block.
  2. If your hiwin ID just has EGW25SB and there is no letter after it, Then you just need to purchase EGW25SB because your hiwin block is standard block and no need to purchase extra featurers block.  is standard feature.

Hiwin EGW25SB Block

Block Type: Flange Type

Size: 25 mm

Load Type: Medium Load

Block Mounting Type: Bottom

H: 33.00 mm

W: 73.00 mm

B: 60.00 mm

C:  mm

L: 59.10

Weight: 0.35 kg

How to install Hiwin EGW25SB Block?

Loose or Tight the screws of Hiwin EGW25SB Block marked yellow to adjust the tension between block and linear rail.

  1. Must cleaning your Hiwin EGW25SB Block rail perfect because a little durst can cause to fail to install.
  2. Put lubricating oil on the Hiwin Block Block rail.
  3. Must be keep perfect alignment to install the Hiwin Block Block. In some case, no enough space to install Hiwin EGW25SB Block Block and you need to uninstall the rail to install it.
  4. Loose 4 screws to let the Hiwin Block can go to the rail easily.
  5. Put Hiwin Block gently to the rail and sliding slowly the whole block.
  6. Then tight the Hiwin Block’s screws correct to keep the HiwinBlock perfect to fit the rail.

Hiwin Interchangeable Type Block ID
Hiwin HG Block Dimension
Hiwin HG Block Type
Hiwin HG Block Preload
Hiwin HG Block Precision 1
Hiwin HG Block Precision 2
Hiwin HG Block Precision 3
Hiwin HG Block Durst
Hiwin HG Block Dimension of Bolts Caps

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